Callicarpa americana (American beautyberry)
Full Description
Callicarpa americana is a small deciduous native shub that is called a "beautyberry bush" because of its showy purple berries. The leaf has serrate edges, and a compound in the leaf can be used as a mosqito repellant. The showy purple fruits of C. americana are edible raw. New twigs have pubescence that leaves with age, revealing the previously inconspicuous lenticels. C. americana bark is slightly tan turning gray with age.
Callicarpa americana is a small deciduous native shub that is called a "beautyberry bush" because of its showy purple berries.
The leaf has serrate edges, and a compound in the leaf can be used as a mosqito repellant.
The showy purple fruits of C. americana are edible raw.
Callicarpa americana produces tiny pink flowers that each produce a purple berry during fall time.
New twigs have pubescence that leaves with age, revealing the previously inconspicuous lenticels.
edible parts:
The showy purple fruits of C. americana are edible raw.