Ulmus alata (Winged Elm)
Full Description
Ulmus alata (winged elm) is a tall, vase-shaped tree with small asymetrical leaves. Ulmus alata twigs are brown becoming gray, sometimes with brown, corky "wings". When young, Ulmus alata trunks are tan and corky, changing to gray thin plates when mature. Domestic cats love to scratch off the corky bark of young Ulmus alata trees. Ulmus alata fruits are tiny, flat, hairy, brown samaras each encasing a single seed. Mature trees drop a profusion of such seeds, sprouting almost as many seedlings. Ulmus alata pests include: Japanese bettles, native and exotic elm bettles, and the dreaded Dutch elm disease that can kill mature trees.
Ulmus alata (winged elm) is a tall, vase-shaped tree with small asymetrical leaves.
The leaves are small and asymetrical.
Ulmus alata fruits are tiny, flat, hairy, brown samaras each encasing a single seed. Mature trees drop a profusion of such seeds, sprouting almost as many seedlings.
Ulmus alata twigs are brown becoming gray, sometimes with brown, corky "wings".
Ulmus alata trunks are tan and corky, changing to gray thin plates when mature. Domestic cats love to scratch off the corky bark of young Ulmus alata trees.
Ulmus alata pests include: Japanese bettles, native and exotic elm bettles, and the dreaded Dutch elm disease that can kill mature trees.