Ulmus americana (American Elm)
Full Description
American elm is a large stately tree that grows in Eastern United States. It was widely grown for its eye-appealling branches that would spread over city streets to create an arbor tunnel. This practice was halted by the accidental introduction of an exotic disease that kills elms—the Dutch elm disease. American elm leaves are asymetrical and toothed. The fruit of American elm trees is a small peubescent samara with a tiny seed. The samaras are edible raw when they are green and immature. When the samaras mature they dry out and become brown and flutter down to litter the ground and sprout new trees. Ulmus americana pests include: Japanese bettles, native and exotic elm bettles, and the dreaded Dutch elm disease that even mature American elms are highly suscebtible to dying of.
American elm is a large stately tree that grows in Eastern United States. It was widely grown for its eye-appealling branches that would spread over city streets to create an arbor tunnel. This practice was halted by the accidental introduction of an exotic disease that kills elms—the Dutch elm disease).
American elm leaves are asymetrical and toothed.
The fruit of American elm trees is a small peubescent samara with a tiny seed. The samaras are edible raw when they are green and immature.
edible parts:
American elm samaras are edible raw when they are green and immature.